Friday, July 20, 2012

Face Reading Presentation for Rotary Club of Hawks Prairie - Lacey/Olympia

About an hour ago, I finished up my Face Reading Presentation at the Hawks Prairie Rotary Club with a satisfied feeling. The presentation was one of my best yet and the club members were not only avid and respectful listeners but they rose up to the challenge of participating in something they knew little about! I had a wonderful experience that has renewed my vigor for my Face Reading business. The video of my presentation will be up within the next week (as will my new web site!).

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Gettin' Professional: My New Website

Currently, I am sitting in a graphic design class building a website for my business: Face Reading by Tali. Making a website turns out to be easier than I would've thought, however, maybe the ease of building my website comes from my excellent teacher. So far, I have made the entire website image in Adobe Photoshop and sliced it up into pieces for Adobe Dreamweaver. The next step is to get my sliced website image into Adobe Dreamweaver to do the HTML. My brand-new-completely-made-my-yours-truly site should be up sometime within the next week. Here's what it will look like:

Monday, July 16, 2012

Is Face Reading Accurate?

         I get asked this question all the time and I can't blame people for asking such an intimidating question. When I first heard about Face Reading I, myself, was skeptical. However, the more I learn and the more other people seem to learn, the less skeptical it becomes. The reason for my reduced and eventually nonexistent skepticism stemmed from Face Reading's amazing accuracy. Rarely, does a Face Reading mistake happen. When a mistake does happen it usually occurs from one of the following three reasons:

1. Commonly, people themselves are unaware of certain characteristics that their face discloses. This, in fact, happened with my own face. I have a slightly up-turned nose that is indicative of someone who tends to be gullible. Upon hearing this about myself, I couldn't be faster to disagree. However, after really digesting this information and reflecting on it, I realized that I am gullible. Very gullible. But up until that point, I had never thought of myself as gullible and so it was hard to accept that as part of my identity at that point in time. Especially due to the fact that I don't look at being gullible as an exceptionally favorable trait. When I come across a situation that appears to be modeling the above, I take a step back and accept that Face Reading has possibly been inaccurate. I figure that either that person will reflect on what I have said and realize it to be true or they will stubbornly refuse to believe it. Either way, it is important to respect that person's perspective of their identity. On a funny note, I once was Face Reading a person who had a very, very protruding chin. A protruding chin depicts someone who isn't intimidated or afraid of conflict, someone who likes to have the last word (like Jay Leno).
Now, I told this person that they had a protruding chin and explained what it is indicative of. Immediately, she says, "That is definitely not me!" However, I was Face Reading her as a favor to my mom, so I knew her pretty well, and I was well aware that the characteristic of the "protruding chin" fit her quite well (contradictory to her own belief), if not perfectly! 

2. Sometimes inaccuracy can sneak into Face Reading when you misidentify a feature. You see, a "regular size nose" and a "big nose" are two different things. If you mix them up, you will give a reading that might be incorrect. Look at the nose below, is it big, regular, or small? 

This nose sticks out rather far but at the same time the nose ridge isn't very high. It is a hard nose to classify, right in between "regular" and "big," therefore she is right in between two characteristics. Because she is in the middle of two characteristics, you have two choices when reading her nose: 1. venture into intuitive Face Reading, in which you decide how to balance the two characteristics or 2. Don't Read It and choose a character that is easier to identify as a specific trait.

3. The last option is that Face Reading can actually be inaccurate. Although, it has a 93% accuracy rate, there are specific instances where Face Reading  isn't completely inaccurate (with some features more than others).

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Unique Face: The Man with the Long Face

                Here is yet another Unique Face I have come across in one of my many internet searches of "Faces" to show someone a specific characterisitc. Upon seeing him, something just caught my eye. Is it that he looks a little elfish? Perhaps.

               When looking closer at this man, I noticed that he has a theme of extremes going on within his face: a very, very long face, a very, very long nose, a very big gap between his eyebrows, a very protuding chin (although it can be hard to see in a straight-on picture), very managerial eyebrows, and lots of curves (mainly his eyebrow and his chin).

               Now what does that all mean? The extreme length of his face indicates someone who doesn't like monitoring others and ould prefer to work independently. Also, it is indicative of someone who has had to learn self-confidence. The circles in his face, however, contradict this to a degree. Circles are the social shape and depict somone who is people-oriented. When someone has curved eyebrows and a curved chin,  that indicates that they are a people person. Therefore, I can conclude that this man has an independent side and requires downtime, however, also has a very outgoing side, social side. Furthermore, this man has a protuding chin that shows he isn't intimidated or afraid of conflict.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Your Nose Ridge: Big or Small?

        The nose is a very important feature of the face and can say so much about a person. Because the nose is such a big topic I'm going to break it down and only talk about the ridge of the nose in this post.
         So what is a nose ridge? The nose ridge is the distance from the bridge of your nose to your cheek. Some people have huge nose ridges, others have very smalle nose ridges (most babies.)

Small Nose Ridge
Side Profile of a Small Nose Ridge
            As said above, most babies and small children have very small nose ridges. This makes sense given that the nose ridge indicates your level of independence in a working/learning environment. The lower the nose ridge, the more you enjoy teamwork and working with others. The higher the nose ridge, the more you enjoy working independently and monitoring yourself. Kids and babies are constantly learning with other people and are constantly monitored by parents, teachers, and eachother. As kids grow up and become more independent, their nose ridge becomes higher (your face and personality change interdependently).  That is not to say that only babies and kids have small nose ridges, many adults do as well. A high nose ridge, indicative of someone who works well independently without monitoring, can often be found on writers and business people behind a desk.

High Nose Ridge
          You can think of the nose ridge as a bridge. And each time you want to talk to someone you have to cross that bridge. People with small nose ridges have a small bridge to cross and communication is fun and easy. People with big nose ridges have a mountain to climb everytime they want to collaborate and it is easier to work independently for them.


Why will this blog be useful to you?

The question everyone always wants to know: Why is this useful to me? Why should I care? Why should I be excited?
            Before I tell you why you should care, let me tell you what I plan to cover on this blog. First of all, this blog will be going in depth on all of the facial features. You will learn what each feature depicts (i.e. the eyes can depict your outlook on life, the way you see the world, your level of compassion etc.) and specific variations of each feature (i.e. the winged eyebrow, the managerial eyebrow, the chameleon eyebrow etc.). Furthermore, this blog will follow my business progress. It will cover each business meeting I do, each fair I read at, and interesting occurrences in faces that I see. From time to time, there will be celebrity Face Readings (If any of you viewers out there have any celebrities you want Face Read post a comment. If you have an interesting face or your own face you would like Face Read on my blog, just send me an email with the photo). Also, if I come across any interesting faces I will do that Face Reading on my blog (with the person's permission, of course).
            Now let's move on to why you should care. You should care about Face Reading because it allows you to know someone in a glance. You can quickly and easily understand someones strengths, weaknesses, and motivations. Ever heard of the first impression? Face Reading is the first impression MAXIMIZED BY CONSCIOUSNESS. Face Reading is knowing people on the fast track. In a world that is based on collaboration and the understanding of others, Face Reading is your key to success. If you want to be able to consciously "know" someone from a picture, you should care about Face Reading. It will help you understand yourself and others ten times better because it articulates what you are subconsciously feeling. If you want to improve your chance at sales or profiling others, you should care. Face Reading is also a fun conversation starter, so if you find yourself constantly running out of things to talk about here is a great topic to bring the conversation to life.


What is the Purpose of this blog?

Now that you have a grasp on what Face Reading is, you may be wondering what exactly I tend to do with it on this blog, Face Reading by Tali. What a great question! Here's a brief overview of my plans:

1. It is crucial to understand that Face Reading is my passion. I want to grow it into a business. A business in which I travel and give presentations to people on the power of Face Reading and the benefits it has to offer. I would love to go on T.V., become famous, reach out and spread this amazing tool to as many people as I can. It combines everything I love: people, teaching, speaking, and travel. Therefore, one of my purposes of this blog is to get my name out.
2. I love to write. Why not do what I love, write, while fulfilling my need to get out my name?
3. My third purpose in writing this blog, is to educate people all over (whom I can't reach via public speaking) about the power and benefit of Face Reading.
4. My last purpose in writing this blog is for the purpose of fun (this is actually extremely fun for me, believe it or not).

What is Face Reading?

Face Reading is where you look at someones face, pick out a characteristic, and from that characteristic you are able to tell something about that person.

Example (My Own Face):

1. Long, Straight Nose - Logical, Strategic -> Planner
2. Wide Space between Eyebrows - Creativity, Visual, lacks consistency with details
3. Winged Eyebrows (Biggest Part of Eyebrows is at the beginning and then they continually get smaller) - Visionary, Quick start in projects, not great with follow through
4. High Eyebrows - Selective, aloof, discriminating at times, can be hard on self
5. Relatively Thin Eyebrows - One-track mind

So from only the nose and eyebrows you can develop the following analysis:
This face above all depicts a planner. Their is a strategic, logical aspect to this person that depicts plans that are stable and dependent, their fall back being that the details might sometimes be looked over. She is a quick-start: extremely enthusiastic about a project in the beginning but after the immediate plans have been laid out her energy for the project slowly drains away. Her flaw is her inability to follow-through on her plans. Combined with someone who pushes her to keep going when she loses energy, she will be able to push through. However, her best use of time will be in developing the plans and then having a follow-through personality take over. She has a one-track mind that allows her to put all her creative energy into one project- that is until she gets bored and the details override the thrill of the vision and she moves on to the next project. Her selectivity allows her to easily judge, sometimes too harshly, her creation. Although, the judging can be harsh, it eventually leads to a masterpiece. In other words, she can be considered a perfectionist at times, depending on how much the project means to her.

Strengths: Visionary, Creative, Strategic, Planner, Selective, Focused
Weaknesses: Bad with follow-through and details, Discriminating, One-Track Mind
Motivations: Idea's that inspire
Best Job: A fast-paced Job with continuous project shifts or people/clients, something involving planning and visionary aspects - Graphic Designer, Event Planner, Trip Advisor/Planner, Psychologist

          As you can see, Face Reading is an amazing tool with lots of possibilities. In a glance, you can discern someones strength's, weaknesses, and motivations. And in today's world, knowing and understanding people is the key to success. In essence, Face Reading is the fast track to knowing others. It's being integrated into the hiring process, as well as into the FBI and CIA for criminal profiling. Furthermore, it a great tool for sales! And the great thing about it, is that in everyday life it is simply a tool that can more easily and efficiently help you understand people. There is no test to see if you have it right, no one can judge you on your abilities because it is all in your mind. It is simply put: a tool to help you.