Sunday, July 15, 2012

Unique Face: The Man with the Long Face

                Here is yet another Unique Face I have come across in one of my many internet searches of "Faces" to show someone a specific characterisitc. Upon seeing him, something just caught my eye. Is it that he looks a little elfish? Perhaps.

               When looking closer at this man, I noticed that he has a theme of extremes going on within his face: a very, very long face, a very, very long nose, a very big gap between his eyebrows, a very protuding chin (although it can be hard to see in a straight-on picture), very managerial eyebrows, and lots of curves (mainly his eyebrow and his chin).

               Now what does that all mean? The extreme length of his face indicates someone who doesn't like monitoring others and ould prefer to work independently. Also, it is indicative of someone who has had to learn self-confidence. The circles in his face, however, contradict this to a degree. Circles are the social shape and depict somone who is people-oriented. When someone has curved eyebrows and a curved chin,  that indicates that they are a people person. Therefore, I can conclude that this man has an independent side and requires downtime, however, also has a very outgoing side, social side. Furthermore, this man has a protuding chin that shows he isn't intimidated or afraid of conflict.

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