Saturday, July 14, 2012

Your Nose Ridge: Big or Small?

        The nose is a very important feature of the face and can say so much about a person. Because the nose is such a big topic I'm going to break it down and only talk about the ridge of the nose in this post.
         So what is a nose ridge? The nose ridge is the distance from the bridge of your nose to your cheek. Some people have huge nose ridges, others have very smalle nose ridges (most babies.)

Small Nose Ridge
Side Profile of a Small Nose Ridge
            As said above, most babies and small children have very small nose ridges. This makes sense given that the nose ridge indicates your level of independence in a working/learning environment. The lower the nose ridge, the more you enjoy teamwork and working with others. The higher the nose ridge, the more you enjoy working independently and monitoring yourself. Kids and babies are constantly learning with other people and are constantly monitored by parents, teachers, and eachother. As kids grow up and become more independent, their nose ridge becomes higher (your face and personality change interdependently).  That is not to say that only babies and kids have small nose ridges, many adults do as well. A high nose ridge, indicative of someone who works well independently without monitoring, can often be found on writers and business people behind a desk.

High Nose Ridge
          You can think of the nose ridge as a bridge. And each time you want to talk to someone you have to cross that bridge. People with small nose ridges have a small bridge to cross and communication is fun and easy. People with big nose ridges have a mountain to climb everytime they want to collaborate and it is easier to work independently for them.


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