Saturday, July 14, 2012

What is Face Reading?

Face Reading is where you look at someones face, pick out a characteristic, and from that characteristic you are able to tell something about that person.

Example (My Own Face):

1. Long, Straight Nose - Logical, Strategic -> Planner
2. Wide Space between Eyebrows - Creativity, Visual, lacks consistency with details
3. Winged Eyebrows (Biggest Part of Eyebrows is at the beginning and then they continually get smaller) - Visionary, Quick start in projects, not great with follow through
4. High Eyebrows - Selective, aloof, discriminating at times, can be hard on self
5. Relatively Thin Eyebrows - One-track mind

So from only the nose and eyebrows you can develop the following analysis:
This face above all depicts a planner. Their is a strategic, logical aspect to this person that depicts plans that are stable and dependent, their fall back being that the details might sometimes be looked over. She is a quick-start: extremely enthusiastic about a project in the beginning but after the immediate plans have been laid out her energy for the project slowly drains away. Her flaw is her inability to follow-through on her plans. Combined with someone who pushes her to keep going when she loses energy, she will be able to push through. However, her best use of time will be in developing the plans and then having a follow-through personality take over. She has a one-track mind that allows her to put all her creative energy into one project- that is until she gets bored and the details override the thrill of the vision and she moves on to the next project. Her selectivity allows her to easily judge, sometimes too harshly, her creation. Although, the judging can be harsh, it eventually leads to a masterpiece. In other words, she can be considered a perfectionist at times, depending on how much the project means to her.

Strengths: Visionary, Creative, Strategic, Planner, Selective, Focused
Weaknesses: Bad with follow-through and details, Discriminating, One-Track Mind
Motivations: Idea's that inspire
Best Job: A fast-paced Job with continuous project shifts or people/clients, something involving planning and visionary aspects - Graphic Designer, Event Planner, Trip Advisor/Planner, Psychologist

          As you can see, Face Reading is an amazing tool with lots of possibilities. In a glance, you can discern someones strength's, weaknesses, and motivations. And in today's world, knowing and understanding people is the key to success. In essence, Face Reading is the fast track to knowing others. It's being integrated into the hiring process, as well as into the FBI and CIA for criminal profiling. Furthermore, it a great tool for sales! And the great thing about it, is that in everyday life it is simply a tool that can more easily and efficiently help you understand people. There is no test to see if you have it right, no one can judge you on your abilities because it is all in your mind. It is simply put: a tool to help you.

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