Monday, July 16, 2012

Is Face Reading Accurate?

         I get asked this question all the time and I can't blame people for asking such an intimidating question. When I first heard about Face Reading I, myself, was skeptical. However, the more I learn and the more other people seem to learn, the less skeptical it becomes. The reason for my reduced and eventually nonexistent skepticism stemmed from Face Reading's amazing accuracy. Rarely, does a Face Reading mistake happen. When a mistake does happen it usually occurs from one of the following three reasons:

1. Commonly, people themselves are unaware of certain characteristics that their face discloses. This, in fact, happened with my own face. I have a slightly up-turned nose that is indicative of someone who tends to be gullible. Upon hearing this about myself, I couldn't be faster to disagree. However, after really digesting this information and reflecting on it, I realized that I am gullible. Very gullible. But up until that point, I had never thought of myself as gullible and so it was hard to accept that as part of my identity at that point in time. Especially due to the fact that I don't look at being gullible as an exceptionally favorable trait. When I come across a situation that appears to be modeling the above, I take a step back and accept that Face Reading has possibly been inaccurate. I figure that either that person will reflect on what I have said and realize it to be true or they will stubbornly refuse to believe it. Either way, it is important to respect that person's perspective of their identity. On a funny note, I once was Face Reading a person who had a very, very protruding chin. A protruding chin depicts someone who isn't intimidated or afraid of conflict, someone who likes to have the last word (like Jay Leno).
Now, I told this person that they had a protruding chin and explained what it is indicative of. Immediately, she says, "That is definitely not me!" However, I was Face Reading her as a favor to my mom, so I knew her pretty well, and I was well aware that the characteristic of the "protruding chin" fit her quite well (contradictory to her own belief), if not perfectly! 

2. Sometimes inaccuracy can sneak into Face Reading when you misidentify a feature. You see, a "regular size nose" and a "big nose" are two different things. If you mix them up, you will give a reading that might be incorrect. Look at the nose below, is it big, regular, or small? 

This nose sticks out rather far but at the same time the nose ridge isn't very high. It is a hard nose to classify, right in between "regular" and "big," therefore she is right in between two characteristics. Because she is in the middle of two characteristics, you have two choices when reading her nose: 1. venture into intuitive Face Reading, in which you decide how to balance the two characteristics or 2. Don't Read It and choose a character that is easier to identify as a specific trait.

3. The last option is that Face Reading can actually be inaccurate. Although, it has a 93% accuracy rate, there are specific instances where Face Reading  isn't completely inaccurate (with some features more than others).

1 comment:

  1. Very Nice information!! I like this Very much !!
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