Saturday, July 14, 2012

Why will this blog be useful to you?

The question everyone always wants to know: Why is this useful to me? Why should I care? Why should I be excited?
            Before I tell you why you should care, let me tell you what I plan to cover on this blog. First of all, this blog will be going in depth on all of the facial features. You will learn what each feature depicts (i.e. the eyes can depict your outlook on life, the way you see the world, your level of compassion etc.) and specific variations of each feature (i.e. the winged eyebrow, the managerial eyebrow, the chameleon eyebrow etc.). Furthermore, this blog will follow my business progress. It will cover each business meeting I do, each fair I read at, and interesting occurrences in faces that I see. From time to time, there will be celebrity Face Readings (If any of you viewers out there have any celebrities you want Face Read post a comment. If you have an interesting face or your own face you would like Face Read on my blog, just send me an email with the photo). Also, if I come across any interesting faces I will do that Face Reading on my blog (with the person's permission, of course).
            Now let's move on to why you should care. You should care about Face Reading because it allows you to know someone in a glance. You can quickly and easily understand someones strengths, weaknesses, and motivations. Ever heard of the first impression? Face Reading is the first impression MAXIMIZED BY CONSCIOUSNESS. Face Reading is knowing people on the fast track. In a world that is based on collaboration and the understanding of others, Face Reading is your key to success. If you want to be able to consciously "know" someone from a picture, you should care about Face Reading. It will help you understand yourself and others ten times better because it articulates what you are subconsciously feeling. If you want to improve your chance at sales or profiling others, you should care. Face Reading is also a fun conversation starter, so if you find yourself constantly running out of things to talk about here is a great topic to bring the conversation to life.


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