Saturday, July 14, 2012

What is the Purpose of this blog?

Now that you have a grasp on what Face Reading is, you may be wondering what exactly I tend to do with it on this blog, Face Reading by Tali. What a great question! Here's a brief overview of my plans:

1. It is crucial to understand that Face Reading is my passion. I want to grow it into a business. A business in which I travel and give presentations to people on the power of Face Reading and the benefits it has to offer. I would love to go on T.V., become famous, reach out and spread this amazing tool to as many people as I can. It combines everything I love: people, teaching, speaking, and travel. Therefore, one of my purposes of this blog is to get my name out.
2. I love to write. Why not do what I love, write, while fulfilling my need to get out my name?
3. My third purpose in writing this blog, is to educate people all over (whom I can't reach via public speaking) about the power and benefit of Face Reading.
4. My last purpose in writing this blog is for the purpose of fun (this is actually extremely fun for me, believe it or not).

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