Sunday, September 23, 2012

Learn More about Getting a Personal Face Reading

What can Face Reading do for you?

Face Reading can quickly and easily give you insight into yourself or any person of interest, which allows you to be:

1. More efficient in working with that person.
2. Quicker to understand their needs.
3. Easily see their perspective.

Let's say you have a new boss. Is he visionary or is he detail-oriented? By sending me a picture of him/her, I can easily give you insight into their working style, thinking process, energy levels, gullibility, level of creativity, motivativions and more. In turn, this information will allow you to better understand and work with him/her.

So how do you get a Personalized Face Reading?

To get a Personalized Face Reading simply click the "Buy Now" button to the right. Enter your credit card information and you will be directed to a "Successful Checkout Page." Then click the link at the bottom: "Return to" and you will be redirected to a page that will give you my email address so that you can email in your photo!

What do you get with a Personalized Face Reading?

1. Send in a photo.

2. In return, you will get:

-Your photo with Graphic Overlay to clearly illustrate the three prominent facial features I will analyze for you.

-Detailed analysis of three prominent facial features.

1. The convex nose indicates someone who has a quick and practical mind, with a gift for memorization. Internally, these people tend to be relentless and agressive, however, on the outside they are often portray themselves as diplomatic and patient.

2. Protruding Chin: Someone with a protruding chin is usually not intimidated easily, unafraid of conflict (although not necessarily rushing towards it, just unafraid), and will usually get the last word in a conversation.

3. Jay Leno's clearly defined outer ear ridge symbolizes an appreciation for objective facts, numbers, and statistics. It also symbolizes a logical and practical thinking process with the need for external proof and data to feel comfortable with something. In other words, instead of looking for answers in the "inside," he will look for answers externally.

-Overview of Personality Profile from three promient facial features:

Overall Jay Leno's face talks non-stop of a person who has a quick and witty mind. He has the abilities of a great debater: a wonderful memory combined with practicality and a brain geared towards external data and statistics. Furthermore, his chin indicates that he wouldn't be afraid or intimidated by his competition. His diplomatic approach to verbalizing his debate would also be a powerful advantage for him in this arena. However, at times his patience may falter in an intense argument when he is anxious to get in the last word. As we know, Jay Leno is a talk show host, where his great practicality, quick mental wit, and use of external knowledge can be wonderfully put to use.