Monday, August 20, 2012

A Gap in the Teeth

               One of the most unique features is the gap in the teeth. This gap is indicative of someone who is a bit on the wild side, often taking risks and sometimes being impulsive. This is the type of person who often enjoys doing dare devil stunts. They are often percieved as bold and adventuresome.
               In sales, when you see someone with a gap between their two front tooth, you might apply your face reading skills by appealing to their sense of adventure. A gap tooth is indicative of someone who isn't afraid to hold back their thoughts and those can often come out in a wicked sense of humor, don't be afraid to joke with them and have a good time.

                 Madonna, one of the most famous pop singers to date, is well-known for her bold, cutting-edge music and dance routines, as well as, the gap between her front teeth. In high school, she was described as someone who was, "a free spirit and a thinker," and as she's grown up in the music world she has developed a reputation as a "strong but shrewd business woman."

               Lara Stone, currently one of the most famous models in the world, also has a gap between her teeth. In fact, it is said that she is responsible for the new trend seen at dentist offices where people ask to have the space between their two front teeth widened. Lara is known for her "dry, wicked sense of humour." She is also known for breaking open the modeling industry to more curvier woman. When asked about her favorite type of shoots she says, "I think naughty shoots suit my personality." Clearly, you have here a girl that is a trendsetter and a bit on the wild side, a personality that fits in perfectly with the gap between her teeth.